1 definition by soberjack

exercises of the cock.

The "horizontal cock swing" is when the athlete rotates his/her hips from side to side so that the cock in question slaps both of the athletes upper thighs.

The "vertical cock swing" is when the athlete rotates his/her hips forward and backward to create a pendulum type movement of the cock, this causes the cock to hit the belly button area and the lower to upper gooch area

Notes: There may be a significant amount of redness on the areas that the cock has come in contact with, but dont let this worry you, its just another reminder of how hard you worked out your cock.
Also the athlete may experience a NARB (no apparent reason boner), so needless to say cockercising should be done in the privacy of a bedroom or with very close friends only
A: Yo brendan, have you done your cockercises yet today?
B: Yeah bro maxed out with 65 horizontal swings, my thighs are burning
by soberjack March 20, 2010
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