1 definition by snapbacksAreGay

some stupid fucking game on facebook that people play, you like their status and they do a truth for you. if they dont know you, they will say..

"truth is we should talk more!:)" when really they dont give a shit about you and their just trying to be nice.

Its probably the stupidest fucking thing ever in history. Some faggots will not even get any likes for it, so they will write a "truth is" on somebody's wall anyways because their gay.
Example #1

Person 1: Truth is, we used to be best friends but we never talk anymore! D: you should hmu sometime!

Person 2: who the fuck are you.

Example #2:

Person 1: Truth is, you mad cute gurl hmu sumtime even though im like 4 years older than you and just wanna get my dick wet ;D

Person 2: Thanks :) and okay
by snapbacksAreGay November 11, 2011
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