2 definitions by smitherrrrrsssss

The greatest ever . unrivaled in every field. They help you up when you fall, they give you a flashlight in the darkness. Adeline is sweetest, kindest, cutest, and most adorable ever. She buries her problems ti help you. She is selfless and anyone would be lucky to have her.
"Wow I feel so much better who just walked by " "Oh that's just the closest thing to God we can see now aka Adeline"
by smitherrrrrsssss February 12, 2022
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The best. Caring sweet, adorable, cute. Selfless and caring. A helping hand when you need it. A light in the darkness. Anyone would be lucky to have her. Lays aside her own problems to help others.
Oh yeah that goddess is Adeline. Figures.
by smitherrrrrsssss February 12, 2022
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