2 definitions by smbofidfls

The short kid that yells racial slurs at you but isn’t racist. He tells you to off yourself. He also calls things a skill issue when you are unable to do anything.
Person 1:Who is that kid?
Person 2: Oh that’s Nelson, stay back from him
Person 1: Yeah I heard he beat up that kid in a wheelchair and said it was a skill issue that he lost
Person 3: Yeah it’s bad
by smbofidfls October 23, 2022
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The fat kid that never pays you back for the copious amounts of money he owes you. He lives in the slums and has family relationship issues. He doesn’t know when to let go to and smells like shit. Used to wear a minecraft creeper hoodie. The ladies love him somehow
Person 1: Who is that hottie?
Person 2: Oh that’s Ethan, he loves Assassin’s Creed
Person 1: I’m a girl and I want to bang him
Person 3: You can handle that smell I bet his gym locker smells like a rotten meat locker
Person 4: Are you serious right now bruh, he owes me $1,074 and applicable taxes
by smbofidfls October 23, 2022
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