20 definitions by sicmyduck

A short lived sub-genre of the alternative scene comprised of teens and 20 somethings that couldn't decide if they wanted to be punk or goth. Died with Myspace.
Why in the hell is that kid dressed emo? It's not 2004.
by sicmyduck June 27, 2019
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A anamorphic cartoon duck created by antisemitic sadist Walt Disney. Well known to suffer from bipolar disorder hence going into manic rages. Walks around in public without pants . Most known for the big controversy in Who Framed Roger Rabbit while performing piano with Daffy Duck, gets angry and calls him a gosh darn stupid nigger!!
Donald when he first meets Daisy. Hey I'm Donald Duck and I want to fuck!!
by sicmyduck June 27, 2019
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Former hobbits sold into slavery to the sadistic chocolate tycoon Willie Wonka. Painted orange with their hair dyed green to break what little spirit they have left through humiliation they are forced to make chocolate and candy with their only reward being coca beans in which they immediately use to manufacture cocaine to feed their drug addiction. Their lowest point is during a tour of the chocolate factory enacted by Willy Wonka to satisfy his creepy Michael Jacksonesq love for underage children is angered by the kids chanting 'WE HAVE THE GOLDEN TICKET! WILLY WONKA HERE IS WHERE YOU CAN STICK IT!' Plans on killing the children. They enact in this plot by leading the children through the chocolate factory allowing the children to kill themselves by their own devices leaving Willy Wonka free from being charged with murder.
The Oompa Loompas are known to sing sadistic and disturbing songs while carrying out Wonkas evil deeds. Oompa Loompa doopity doo. We Oompa Loompas are going to sodimize you!!
by sicmyduck June 27, 2019
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When you fully attempt to fuck a massively obese woman.
Damn man your woman is thick. Yeah, tonight I'm going totally Attack on Titan on her ass!!
by sicmyduck June 28, 2019
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The act in which your 'Big Boss' is fully erect.
Not to be confused with Liquid Snake which is primarily caused by heavy consumption of taco Bell. Me coming into the bedroom with my Solid Snake. My girlfriend: Snake Snake!!!!!
by sicmyduck June 27, 2019
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