4 definitions by shroomerite

One who's actions (deliberate or otherwise) seem to attract the hatred of the rest of the forum; see flame. These people do not seem to learn from their actions and are delt with by issuing a sympathy ban.

These people can be grouped in sevral diffrent catagories ranging from beer weed to trolls.
"He never learns, he is getting flamed right and left."

"Yeah man, he's such flame bait."
by shroomerite February 12, 2005
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One who's age matches their IQ. They often have a "420" somewhere in their user name. A person who joins an Internet message bored to do nothing but asks stupid inane questions. This person is regarded as flame bait.

Origin: An infamous puppet of the same name.
"What's with the flood of inane questions today?"

"It's this new user, he has to be 15 years old... he's such a beerweed."
by shroomerite February 12, 2005
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An alter ego created on an message board or news group primarily to troll.
Did you see that puppet's post? Yes, he started a huge flame war!
by shroomerite February 12, 2005
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One who is a member of the shroomery.
Yeah I was just hanging out with those shroomerites, it was a blast, as always.
by shroomerite February 12, 2005
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