6 definitions by sexcmincham

The story of wee wee goes like this...
Once upon a time there was a little boy called ally. Ally LOVED to play with all sorts of things! Rocks, trees, sticks, fruit, veg, and even some special things in mummy’s top drawer! Anything that could fit she played with. But one day, she came across a BEAUTIFUL mann. So beautiful and handsome. But there was something special abt this mann, something that had never happened before... IT WOULDN’T FIT!!!

so they forced it in. The end
Phiney Poo: have YOU seen ally wee wee today!?

Smoddi: yes she looks stunning!

Sheik: tremendously beautiful!

dharmann fam: gorgeous!

Murray: only the best!

Mann: wtf did ya’ll putas say?
by sexcmincham May 21, 2021
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The sexiest math teacher you will ever meet, and could formally be found at Como Secondary College, this lady has a huge sense of fashion and style, and has looks that could make any guy or girl fall head-over-heels for her. She’s known for her meaty questions, and milky personality, that can even be seen through her shirt. If a mincham ever dwells in your life, pls keep her at all costs, she’s great at hugging(with lot’s of support), and if you can’t keep her in your life, just try grabbing her before she gets into her car.
Phine: Have you seen mincham today?

Alex: Yes, she looks so hot

Rena: She’s so milky, I could gobble her up

Phine: Yes, she is the best brosephine I’ve ever seen

Alex: She makes my eyes sparkle

Rena: and my heart feels empty, without her company
by sexcmincham September 30, 2020
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Living and walking trash? That’s her! Wondering why u always feel like someone is watching? Then it’s probably ashy trashy! She spends most of her time taking pictures of people and biting her lip (she’s a playa) she is mostly seen walking her dog, smoddster around the street! Do YOU want someone to expose ur secret, then ashy is the right purchase for u! we’ll pay YOU 5 rupees to take her! wanna get punched every 5 seconds? She can do that too! She’s even better than rajesh from telstra! Hot tip: buy her icy poles, she loves those little suckers!

P.S. she’s detty asf
Rajesh from telstra: hello? Is this my darling ashy trashy?

Asshy trashy: omg just take my mum rajesh!

*dry humps telstra hotline*
by sexcmincham May 21, 2021
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murray. Also known as emmy, is found near the area of como, usually dressed as what people would call an “eshay”. She spends most of her days smoking and vaping in the bathrooms, and is even part of a charity group by the name of “youngins of chaos”. Murray spends alot of her time charging her crystals, and helping kids in need. Two children who are in extreme poverty always come to murray for help, and she happily steps on them <3 she calls them “ash and simmi” . FUN FACT! Did u know emmy runs her own business with Lisa?! stop by their corner store and by urself a pack of ciggies with a free crystal in every purchase! Try one of their free moldy fruit too!
Callardog: have u seen murray today? It’s her time to watch the store

*murray rises from beneath the earth’s crust*

Murray: i have been summoned father callardog?

mann,trash,smoddi,phinester,wee wee and dharman are shooketh to their knees
by sexcmincham May 21, 2021
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murray. Also known as emmy, is found near the area of como, usually dressed as what people would call an “eshay”. She spends most of her days smoking and vaping in the bathrooms, and is even part of a charity group by the name of “youngins of chaos”. Murray spends alot of her time charging her crystals, and helping kids in need. Two children who are in extreme poverty always come to murray for help, and she happily steps on them <3 she calls them “ash and simmi” . FUN FACT! Did u know emmy runs her own business with Lisa?! stop by their corner store and by urself a pack of ciggies with a free crystal in every purchase! Try one of their free moldy fruit too!
Callardog: have u seen murray today? It’s her time to watch the store

*murray rises from beneath the earth’s crust*

Murray: i have been summoned father callardog?

mann,trash,smoddi,phinester,wee wee and dharman are shooketh to their knees
by sexcmincham May 21, 2021
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have YOU ever seen someone two lighthouses tall?! Well now u have! Phiney poo had faced a terrible tragedy when she was diagnosed with kinkyitis after receiving a fatal vaccine at a young age. She had terrible symptoms, such as milkers, her very own mullet, and even dreadlocks! Only to realised she had been given a vaccine meant only for RATS! to this day phine has slowly but surely been mutating as a vicious rat. Be on the look out!

P.S. she’s vegan so she might eat ur lawn
Callard: oh phiney poo, my one true love, my beloved, darling, milky, favourite student! I love you babe

Phiney poo: let’s go suck ur toes and eat tofu together babe <3

thatveganteacher: why the fuck aren’t u vegan yet? (quirky)
by sexcmincham May 21, 2021
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