2 definitions by sammo_00

A rather small city in southeastern Virginia. Technically an island, but not really. Home to the largest navy base in the world. Has too many enlisted people running around. Roads suck, VDOT sucks, Virginia Dominion sucks, what else do you need to know?
girl: I live in Norfolk.
guy: really?
girl: ya, it's kick-ass.
guy: I heard that it's impossible to go anywhere between 4 and 6.
girl: your point is?
by sammo_00 December 17, 2004
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Actually stands for Old Dominion University, the nickname of the crappy state that it is located in, Virginia, for those who don't know. Is actually a university with six crappy colleges in it, such as College of Ass and Lips. The only thing that makes it great is the fact that it's a commuter college, but no one can ever get to class because of the crappy traffic. BAL is 9 stories of crap, as are all the buildings, and someone needs to run into the glass wall of the Ted, so named for an old fart who donated money. Also known as the school with the unusable monorail down the center of campus.
me: hey, I go to ODU
you: you what? are you stupid?
me: well, it has two starbucks
you: oh, for all the non rich people that go there, right?
me: sure
you: where's the kegs?
by sammo_00 December 10, 2004
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