22 definitions by sambarnes

A homogeneous mixture of two or more condiments found in the fridge. Any number of condiments may be used, such as ketchup, mustard, BBQ sauce, or soy sauce. Salad dressing may be added as well. Secret sauce is not at all secret, it's just never the same thing twice. It is usually made as a dipping sauce for fruggets.
I was bored with the individual condiments, so I mixed them all together in a big bowl of secret sauce.
by sambarnes February 29, 2008
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(noun) The act or practice of eating dog flesh. Generally considered taboo in most western countries, cynophagy is accepted in eastern and south-east Asia.
I went to a Korean place last night, and I ordered something that turned out to be dog. Cynophagy seems OK to me, it tasted great with rice and pepper sauce.
by sambarnes February 28, 2008
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A nickname for pope Benedict XVI. Along with other terms such as papa ratzi, B16, and papa ben, this phrase may be considered either endearing or offensive, depending upon whether the speaker is a practicing Catholic or not. (similar to the N word among Blacks). German shepherd is a pun on the pope's German background and his role as shepherd of the Christian church, and it plays on the practice of some members of the media calling him a rottweiler during his days as head of the CDF.
by sambarnes February 16, 2008
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a neighborhood or area where drug dealers and their customers congregate. Typically this is located in the inner city.
be careful. The bus station you are getting off at is in the middle of crackistan.
by sambarnes March 2, 2008
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Noun. A public rebuke by the Pope or a bishop of a disobedient churchman or group, sometimes, but not always involving an excommunication. The act is primarily medicinal, in that it seeks to bring about the return of the errant party to orthodoxy, rather than simply to shun them.
The pope's public rebuke of the illicit and schismatic consecrations constituted an ecclesiastical spanking.

The bishop issued an ecclesiastical spanking by condemning the heterodox ideology espoused by the members of the parish.
by sambarnes January 28, 2008
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A meal consisting of French fries and chicken nuggets: a staple of young people who don't like to cook, but know how to use an oven. Fruggets are often served with secret sauce on the side for dipping.
I fixed up a hot plate of fruggets during my lunch hour.
by sambarnes February 29, 2008
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The University of Texas symbol. It's supposed to be the front of a longhorn's head, but it looks a lot like the ventral profile of a woman's womb.
Many longhorns wear burnt orange shirts with a white UTerus on them.
by sambarnes March 1, 2008
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