49 definitions by rzhhhh

pronounced: d-sep-t-cunt

1. A female Transformer allied with the Decepticon faction.

2. A female who uses deceitful tactics or other masterful strategies to lure as many of the male species into her bedroom for the sole purpose of acquiring their money, drugs or semen.
Such a female may be alternatively referred to as a slut, whore, gold digger or succubus among many other nouns.

3. A female on the internet who uses images of another woman, usually a friend or unknown model, in order to lure sad little nerd virgins to her Palace of Love for sex.
Said poor little nerd will willingly obey as he is aware that he can get no better and will finally lose his virginity.
Said female is usually ugly or fat or a mixture of both resulting in fugly, generally the type of woman one would call an air strike on or man the harpoons.
1. As of yet, I am unaware of any female Decepticons, but if one did exist, the following conversation would likely take place between the two Autobots known as Skids and Mudflap:

Skids: Dayum blud, (or oil, dunno which a robot would say),
did u see dat fyne piece of Chromium Alloy pussy ?!

Mudflap: With my own 2 eyes dawg, but dat hoe she a Decepticon,
u not see dat tatoo on her perfectly spherical booty?

Skids: Shieeeet negro! hoe's a decepticunt!

Mudflap lets out a hearty chuckle
Skids and Mudflap proceed to brofist, transform and then drive away.

2. Whenever a woman divorces a rich man, not very hard to find.
Usually also where ever you may see interracial dating, especially if the male is white.

3. Craigslist, /r9k/
by rzhhhh August 25, 2009
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Russian - noun

A person who solves all of his, or her, problems with Vodka, Tetris and Nuclear Missiles
by rzhhhh November 22, 2011
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Delicious Candy

Candy that is delicious.
Much like delicious cake, you must eat it!

If you see a delicious candy in the hands of someone else,
even if that person were a small child;

you must SEIZE AND CONSUME it.
This is delicious candy

If you saw a delicious candy in the hands of small child
would you SEIZE AND CONSUME it?!
by rzhhhh July 2, 2010
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Four Poster Bed

A bed with four vertical columns, one in each corner.
The columns support a tester, which usually holds up a set of curtains, however, in this day and age of double glazing and other insulation methods, the curtains aren't needed.
A four poster bed is very similar to a canopy bed.

Buying a four poster bed for your bedroom is the first step in transforming your room into a Palace of Love.
In which your new four poster will be used primarily for the art of making love, preferably to a gorgeous Indian chick, but that part doesn't matter.
And is dependant on whether you are a male or female reading this, whatever floats your boat.
C: Within my new Indian girlfriend's Palace of Love was a magnificent four poster bed, lined with the softest most sensual luxurious silks, coloured in a sexy deep red.
D: Sweet Raptor Jesus just the sound of the bed is making me horny...
C: We proceeded to make sweet love on it, she pretty much emptied my balls of all their love juice. After we cuddled and she whispered sweet nothings possibly in Hindi until I fell asleep.
When I woke up I was sticky and naked
D: I think you missed something fun.
by rzhhhh August 26, 2009
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Human Female


Linda from Futurama
She is referred to as Human Female by her co-host: Morbo

The Female half of the human species.
Symbol: ♀ Venus - The Goddess of Love
Biologically different from their male counterpart, the human female has XX sex chromosomes, a longer life expectancy, sex organs that facilitate children, breasts and many other things
Additionally they have different social expectations, although such a thing is undergoing thorough refinement in todays society
See also: woman, lady, girl
Morbo: Over to you human female
Linda giggles

Human Male: Nice breasts
Human Female: I have eyes you know...
by rzhhhh April 9, 2011
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Barack Brobama - (proper) noun

Your good friend.
Specifically your black (or mixed black x white) friend.
Does not have to be, or have the desire to be, President of anything but is required to be highly intelligent and educated to, or close to, Doctorate level, though this does not necessarily have to be Law or Politics related.

Barack Brobama is capable of befriending those who would be typically seen as hostile and/or aggressive (e.g Russians), has a reasonable proficiency at managing funds and assets and, among other things, is generally concerned about the well-being of his bros.
Also, may be responsible for the assassination of Brosama Bin Laden.
And is Bromander in Chief of the United Bro's Armed Forces (UBAF).

See also:
Broseph Stalin, Broseph Goebbels, Abroham Lincoln, Brosama bin Laden
Abroham Lincoln: "Four score and seven.." -
Broseph Stalin: Shut up you twat.
Broseph Goebbels: Hey look, Barack Brobama's here. What's up dawg?
Barack Brobama: The usual, y'know; pulling troops out of Iraq, healthcare reforms... -
Stalin: Assassinating dictators
Brobama: -...Assassinating dictators. Nothing special really, you?
Goebbels: Stalin and I were just reminiscing about the Battle of Stalingrad and Communism, Abroham was about to start is speech... Again.
Brobama: Did I miss the speech?
Goebbels: Stalin wouldn't let him start.
Brobama: Praise be to Allah.
Stalin: ...What?
Brobama: Nothing... Nothing.
Goebbels: Okay then. Speaking of "assassinating dictators", what ever happened to Brosama bin Laden, I haven't seen him for a while...
Brosama bin Laden: I'm right here you fucking idiots
*Everybody cheers*
by rzhhhh November 22, 2011
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Heroes of Newerth (HoN)

A relatively new PC video game by S2 Games.
Released on May 12th 2010.
It is inspired by the custom map for Warcraft III known as
Defence of the Ancients or DotA by IceFrog
The game is basically the same but with updated graphics and
added functionality.
There is a small range of heroes that are unique to HoN and
a range of heroes who are similar to some DotA heroes,
most heroes are ports from DotA.

The game is characterised by its bad community.
Generally players will trash talk another player if he/she
does not play well, rather than offering constructive advice
as to how the person playing poorly could play better.
Players generally do not give praise to those who do play
well either.
It is fair to assume that the players who do this do not
have many (or any) friends IRL and who are
sexually frustrated by the inability to find a girlfriend.
Leaving you with the sad virgin nerd syndrome
Maybe if they learnt to communicate properly online
it may aid their social skills IRL
I'm sure someone who studies Psychology can come up
with a better Psychological Analysis of the problem players though.

Other than that Heroes of Newerth is a pretty decent game.
It's an easy way to kill about an hour due to average
game length + set up time.
Scenario 1:
1: Heroes of Newerth anyone?
3: Yeah
2: Invisible mode!

Scenario 2:
1: Yo, up for HoN?
2: Am a fuck, cba gettin called by the sad cunts cuz am not v. good
1: Just play smth r8 easy like Zephyr
by rzhhhh June 25, 2010
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