4 definitions by rx3ynn

When you say anything funny in any form, shape, or way and then an unfunny kid tries to copy you and it becomes unfunny after that because they're obnoxious and stupid
steven: I hop out with a stick i hop out with a gun, finish the lyrics!
shiv: LOL
steven: *tries to hold in laughter*

-later that day-

shiv: I hop out with a stick i hop out with a gun, finish the lyrics!
Everyone: thats not funny why would you ever say that im never gonna laugh or use that joke again
Unknown kid: Thats the shiv effect for you!
by rx3ynn April 29, 2023
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A short annoying guy that usually happens to be African American and typically has the most luscious tsunamis on his head. Aspires to be a big muscular guy and is really socially awkward for no reason.
Ex. 1
(Witherson's average conversation)
Witherson: I may be short but my waves are really luscious
Unknown kid: U right ur tsunamis give you an extra 3 inches in height

Ex. 2
(Witherson around any girl)
Witherson: uh, h-h-h-h-ii
Girl: hi...?
Witherson: h-h-how are y~ you?
Girl: uh good ig
by rx3ynn April 29, 2023
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When someone has waves that are so thick and luscious that they're not waves anymore, they have transcended into TSUNAMIS
Unknown kid: yo that kid jayden has toilet ripples and HOLY CRAP! Look at those TSUNAMIS! i think those are withersons!
Girls: damn witherson has the best tsunamis ive ever seen!
by rx3ynn April 29, 2023
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when a guy/girl is really insecure about themselves so they have to boost their own ego by complimenting themselves and giving them the false sense that they're better than everyone else, boosting their ego to the moon
person 1: Im so funny and smart, everyone should aspire to be me!
person 2: shut up personal ego booster no one likes you and you have no friends
person 3: damn thats tough
by rx3ynn April 29, 2023
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