1 definition by rokkii k

the dude man is a human who lives fearlessly and does what he or she feels is right. the dude man accepts people of all likes, dislikes, races, religions, genders, and sexualities. this variety of human moves in on crowded subways, says "excuse me", and will always put the blinker on when driving. the dude man will offer you his/her umbrella in the rain.

the hobbies of the dude man include hanging with friends and family, having sex, drinking, and smoking pot. however he or she uses condoms at all times, does not drink and cry for attention, and will always pass the bowl. this type of human lives in all of us.

when humanity realizes this, there will be no more war, crime, misery, selfishness, stealing, or cheating.
there will only be peace and love.
When we all find our inner dude man, the world will be awesome and traffic won't be so miserable.
by rokkii k March 24, 2011
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