1 definition by rock_roll_ride

Not too sure. Apparently it’s an insult, but if you ask the person what it means, they refuse to tell you, laugh, and mock you. Or maybe it’s supposed to mean, the absence of meaning. In other words, when you’re too dumb to make a comeback, you just call somebody a cf because you don’t care you’re a dipshit. You strive to be stupid. Dumb-fuckery was your elective in middle school, and you flunked out of that class just to prove to all your other retarded-as-shit friends that you were the biggest fucking king dodo bird of them all.

I’ll go with that.
Me: what’s your deal, man?

King Dodo: u’s a cf like frfr >;’D~
by rock_roll_ride January 23, 2018
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