33 definitions by ring-tailed roarer

The hidden purpose of all female fashion and the "beauty industry" that supports it -- namely, to help to generate male erections. Sometimes abbreviated to "the H.O. Factor," it is what some feminists treat with disdain and attempt to subvert by refusing to wear make-up. Every fashion designer, male or female, recognizes its importance, however, as, instinctively, do all heterosexual women.
She: I looooooove the new Chloe collection, especially those floor-length dresses and baggy blouses with long sleeves!
He: But they completely lack the H.O. Factor.
She: The whaaaat??
He: The Hard-On Factor: they are absolutely NOT arousing ... not even a twitch ....
by ring-tailed roarer September 10, 2009
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Based on the bra cup sizes (AA, A, B, C, D, etc), a term for a girl or woman with large breasts.
He: Bob's girl friend is a G.
Friend: Meaning?
He: She has big breasts ....
Friend: You mean enormous and floppy?
No: No, just big and firm -- and great!
by ring-tailed roarer September 16, 2010
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Tell a story or otherwise behave in such a way as to make the listener of observer feel like crapping their pants.
He: It was awful, she spent an hour telling me about her boyfriend and their problems. I almost crapped myself with boredom.
She: Yeah, a couple of days ago she did the same to me; I think she enjoys off-loading her personal life on other people -- to give the brown note.
by ring-tailed roarer January 31, 2010
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He: Not all gay guys actually like it up the queensway, you know.
Friend: The what?
He: The asshole.
Friend: God, and I though queensway was just a street in London, England!
by ring-tailed roarer August 2, 2010
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Several tiny cubicles crammed into one office as desks for graduate students. Like calves being fattened for slaughter, graduate students confined to veal crates can experience chronic stress so extreme as to require medication. Veal-crated students frequently drop our of graduate school after paying tuition for several years, thus helping to ensure that the university's coffers are filled while gaining nothing from the graduate experience but horrible memories and a few useless ideas.
Graduate Student: THIS is my office!!!?? I can't believe it; I'm a PhD student and this is supposed to be a great university. These cubicles are only four feet wide. I'll go insane.

Second Graduate Student: Welcome to the veal crates.
by ring-tailed roarer January 28, 2010
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A physical characteristic that afflicts a disproportionate number of women in the Canadian province of Nova Scotia. Its primary quality is a flatness of the buttocks that is so extreme that the tops of the thighs appear to slide into the shoulder-blades without significant outward interruption.
He: Look, there's Bob's really cute girlfriend. She's from Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Friend: Yea, she's cute alright, but she's got Nova Scotia slide bum.
He: Yikes! Now that she's turned sideways, I see what you mean: she's got practically no ass at all!
by ring-tailed roarer September 10, 2009
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A woman's use of a hand to cover her pubic area when she is naked. The gesture is usually accompanied by an arm bra (i.e., the use of an arm to cover the breasts).
Guy 1: I hear that in her latest movie, Megan Fox is completely naked.
Guy 2: Yeah, but she wears hand panties and an arm bra, so you can't see anything.
Guy 1: That sucks!
by ring-tailed roarer January 27, 2011
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