3 definitions by rickyukon

Abbreviation for "It's Tell Me Why, Puppy?" - A cliche from the time when women in the 1980s felt bad about dumping their loser boyfriends and gave them pity sex on occasion.
She'll like you more if you play Motley Crue when she gets in the car, that might at least make her feel bad for you and give you an ITSTMYP.
by rickyukon October 6, 2020
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1. To get shafted beyond reason due to no fault of your own. 2. To become the victim of bad luck or bad circumstance 3. To experience luck of the type that resembles the popular Bundaberg Rum which actually tastes foul compared to real rums from The Caribbean.
I went to school that day and when I came home, me mum and da had moved away and even towed away our trailer. I got totally Bundaberged, and I had to live behind our neighbor's doghouse for three weeks until me mum came back to get me.
by rickyukon January 5, 2011
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1. The thing you have been searching for the last half hour only to realize you had it all along. 2. A set of keys, thought lost but found in one's pocket, a pair of sunglasses though lost but found on one's own head. 3. Any item, idea or solution, found in the most obvious place possible.
Rocksteady Eddy and I spent an hour looking for the controller to his Xbox. I finally thought to look on top of the Xbox itself, and there it was. We both looked at each other and said "Gamer Puck!" at the same time, and now my shoulder is a little sore and I owe Eddy a soda.
by rickyukon August 21, 2020
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