1 definition by rich1293884

A town full of mostly arrogant, pompose, pretensious morons who believe that owning (read: leasing) fancy cars, having a large house (read: having a massive mortage) and owning designer stuff is the purpose of life. Fortunately, there are some people who live there who can spell properly and also understand the fundamental difference between being a good high school football team and being a good town. Contains somethings that are worth noting: a handful of starbucks, at least 5 foodstores a Home Depot, a Lowe's, a Costco... basically Southlake could function as it's own country. The reason for this is due to the fact that a majority of the vehicles driven in Southlake are SUVs that get <10MPG, so they can't drive to Grapevine without having to fill up there cars twice. My God I'm ashamed I grew up there.
When Billy left Southlake no one really gave a crap about his high school state ring he worked at McDonald's because he had no academic skills whatsoever.
by rich1293884 September 14, 2006
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