1 definition by rfbedwoijfhuekjmw

Garbeilla, or Gabby for short is a really FUCKING HOT ASS GIRL, Gabby's are usually short people with a little ass, they like to grow their hair out, they are VERY FUCKABLE. Gabby's are amazing friends/girlfriends all the BOYS WANT HER, But don't fuck up because they know how to fight and will beat your ass in a hot minute. Gabby's are super smart and have amazing grades, Gabby's are usually White girls but can act like a black girl. Gabby's usually are cheerleaders or are very flexible. They are super skinny and under weight and have blue or green eyes. They are very loving people who are not afraid to whoop ass. They hang with boys more often then girls. They hate drama and are Very Gorgeous but think they are not. All the boys want her, Gabby's usually date boys whose name starts with a M or a C. If u ever have a Gabriella/Gabby in your life DONT FUCK UP AND LOSE THEM, u will REGRET IT.
Person #1: Have you meet the new girl Gabriella
Person #2:Yeah, she is soo short but nice
by rfbedwoijfhuekjmw September 7, 2019
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