3 definitions by rebornraven

CARAUGH When you cough and fart at the same time.
Grandma coughed from both ends. She caraughed.
by rebornraven February 16, 2021
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1 The faith, system and practice that Donald J Trump was sent by God.

2 The belief that Donald Trump performs miracles by bringing ignorance back to life. Believe he made the bind able to hear and the deaf able to walk. He is credited with bringing new life to expression such as; bigly, look at, I’m smart, no one does it better than me.
Person 1: I’m selling my house

Person 2: Are you moving?
Person 1: I converted to Trumpism. I’m donating everything to Trump2024 campaign and living out of my F-150 on the campaign circuit.
by rebornraven January 20, 2022
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The cheese developed around an uncircumcised penis. Calling one a dickwade is worse than a dickhead.
Some dickwade keyed my car.
Dickwades pay extra. (massage)
Dickwades are less likely involved in three-ways.
by rebornraven December 26, 2020
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