9 definitions by razzamatazibizzle

put your index and middle finger together then insert your thumb in betwix the two
1. Due to the unskinny bop I cant tell if it was a joyful tear or bad tear :(

2. and before I realized it I had to buy new shoes
by razzamatazibizzle April 24, 2009
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A place where kids drag their parents so that they can be denied entertainment, because their mother will feel like a bad mother after seeing all the pageantry stockpiled for the wii and the 2d cardboard cut out recommendations of the garbage picking staff and regulars.
No videogames are coming out. Huh. Oh a gamestop DVD case!
by razzamatazibizzle July 18, 2011
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Generally where a lot of people don't get along and the same races of people populate similar area's, though this is in part due to economics and the fleeing white demographic. Once you get out into the cities, you will be harrassed for taking part in a order that isn't native to the 'worldy' area and this will lead too a mass frenzy of followers and snobs, only to be broken up by random moments of stupidity to gain social status and acceptance. Although the older slaves are pretty friendly.
In New York the people like to give you hints you're getting a clue.
by razzamatazibizzle August 1, 2011
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A show on G4 consisting of elitest videogame journalist who have no knowledge of video games or system but judge them on their looks.
"So-and-so was such a step back for video game that you recline through, but the new mmorpg action adventure shooter game Agent Kat has a even lower difficulty level so you can play more crap in your spare time, while you butthole surf in your living room."- faceless corporate xplay announcer
by razzamatazibizzle December 19, 2010
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an annoying obnoxious authoritative twat known for their down syndrome like features and neanderthal looking skin
The mongoloids were the only reason ww2 was such a big deal had they not been involved it would have just been a police action against communism.
by razzamatazibizzle October 19, 2017
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A institution of higher learning where the teachers notes are faulty and the textbook questions are unexplained.
If you call someone a "nigger" in college that's offensive, but if some nasty dolt calls you a "faggot" then that's o.k.
by razzamatazibizzle March 7, 2014
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How assholes high-five themselves. Usually considered ingenuous by German culture due to their deep scholarly roots, but acceptable by Marxist liberals who let literal rats run the country.
I should have expected that vulgar language behind my back when I saw that shit eating grin.

When I came home to my dog I knew he had done something wrong from that shit eating grin.
by razzamatazibizzle April 7, 2018
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