3 definitions by radical_eddard

Popping a zit and putting cocaine in the bleeding abscess to try to get higher
This is a definitive cocacne opportunity... If we don't carry out the act of cocacne I will never get over the guilt of missing this opportunity.
by radical_eddard January 13, 2021
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jerk + jock = jeck, but spelled differently, >> gec <<, to be less obvious. a popular kid, in the 'popular' group of kids, usually high school. derogatory.
Football gecs incoming. Don't make eye contact. They might get insecure and say something stupid and all start laughing like it's creative and funny to compensate.
by radical_eddard June 3, 2020
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jerk + jock = jeck, but spelled differently, >> gec <<, to be less obvious. a popular kid, in the 'popular' group of kids, usually high school. derogatory.
Football gecs incoming. Don't make eye contact. They might get insecure and say something stupid and all start laughing like it's creative and funny to compensate.
by radical_eddard June 3, 2020
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