1 definition by queenbee662

All Merrills are cool, hot, ambitious girls who can be pretty wild, and always the life of the pary. They are admired by lots of hot guys. Merrills know how to be cool, and they can hang with the best of them. But they are also perfectionnists and are not satisfied endless they ace every quiz, test, and paper. They are more compeditive and driven than any bitch you've ever seen. Because of this, Merrills end up going to amazing high schools, excellent, often ivy league colleges and have great occupations when they're older. They're flexible and athletic also. All Merrills prize they're appearance (which is why so many guys end up being attracted to them). They honor high fashion. Fashion and couture always remain part of Merrills lives. Basically, they're images of what all girls want to be. They're hot, skinny bitches who like to win, so watch out for them.
That girl has got it all; the career, the looks the figure, the stlye, and the hottest guy on her arm, she is such a Merrill.
by queenbee662 August 4, 2010
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