2 definitions by quanticat

The belief that one's personal location directly affects the epicenter of earthquakes. A pun of "egocentric".
Friend1: Since we moved to California, there hasn't been an earthquake, but back in North Carolina, where we're from, there WAS one!

Friend2: Maybe it's US! Like, where we live can't get hit!

Friend1: That's not how it works. Quit being egoseismic.
by quanticat March 6, 2012
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The belief that your personal location directly affects the epicenter of earthquakes.
Rhett: Since we've been out here we haven't experienced an earthquake, but back in North Carolina they DID have one.

Link: Maybe it's US! Maybe our moving out here redirected the epicenter of the nation's earthquakes!

Rhett: That's called egocentric thinking, thinking that we had something to do with it.

Link: I think it'd be egoSEISMIC.
by quanticat March 5, 2012
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