2 definitions by pubhappy

A wild party, usually in the woods, that is put on by older guys who hate cops and love teenage girls. Involves a keg of beer, a bonfire and feats of bravado performed by underage drunks.
"Cops!" he screamed as he stumbled and fell, somehow managing to avoid spilling his drink--leave it to Johnny Law to ruin the best kegger ever.
by pubhappy June 7, 2010
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1. The pinch of smokeless tobacco between cheek and gum that makes rednecks so manly and big-breasted blondes so attracted to them.

2. The dipshits who use it.
"Hey dude, I see that ring in your back pocket. Could I get a dip?"

Mandy adjusted her huge tits, then walked over to him. She couldn't wait to lick the flecks of Copenhagen off his teeth.
by pubhappy May 19, 2010
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