5 definitions by proooj

A phrase that means "I am just kidding"
"Hey you look great in that shirt!"
"Really, you think so?"
"Nah, I'm just slapping the cat, you look terrible!"
by proooj November 26, 2015
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When you walk into the bathroom, drop the hatch, and whip it out before you get to the toilet, because you gotta pee so bad.
Person 1 - "I was in a huge hurry, so I had to hit that urinal with a peemptive strike"
Person 2 - "Sheeeeeeiit!"
by proooj December 14, 2015
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When you walk into the bathroom, drop the hatch, and whip it out before you get to the toilet, because you gotta pee so bad.
Person 1 - "I was in a huge hurry, so I had to hit that urinal with a peemptive strike"
Person 2 - "Sheeeeeeiit!"
by proooj December 14, 2015
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When you walk into the bathroom, drop the hatch, and whip it out before you get to the toilet, because you gotta pee so bad.
Person 1 - "I was in a huge hurry, so I had to hit that urinal with a peemptive strike"
Person 2 - "Sheeeeeeiit!"
by proooj December 14, 2015
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When you walk into the bathroom, drop the hatch, and whip it out before you get to the toilet, because you gotta pee so bad.
Person 1 - "I was in a huge hurry, so I had to hit that urinal with a peemptive strike"
Person 2 - "Sheeeeeeiit!"
by proooj December 14, 2015
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