4 definitions by ppwned

When somebody lies in the context of saying they have done something or know something to one-up somebody during a conversation with multiple people or people you don't know, simply because you want to sound more interesting or perceived to be cooler than you actually are.
John: I went to Mount Everest but only reached base camp, I didn't climb the mountain at all.
Nic: I did, I jumped out of a plane and parachuted on top, planted a flag that had my face on it, and snowboarded all the way down naked. I'm famous all around the world for it.
John: no you didn't, you said you've never been to Asia.
Nic: Yes I did.
John: prove it
Nic: Yes ok, ill show you next week
*next week*
John: Where's the proof
Nic: what proof?
John: *shakes head* what a Pascoe

Dave: omg It's been a rough year but I managed to save $10,000.
Nic: I've got $100,000 in my bank.
Dave: do you really?
Nic: yea I do, btw can I lend $5?
Dave: Such a Pascoe, and no.
by ppwned May 7, 2021
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When your boomer parents still think that you can apply for jobs by physically going to a business and asking if there are any jobs available, just like they did back in the day, before the popularity of the internet or pre-2000.
Dad: why don't you get off your arse and get a job.
Son: I've been looking online for weeks and applied for everything I can, there's nothing new.
Dad: Your not looking hard enough, go out and knock on some doors. That's what I did when I was your age.
Son: Dad, nobody does that anymore, employers and job agencies do everything online now. Even the job centre posts their own stuff there.
Dad: omg kids these days, don't know how good they have it. When I was your age I walked 20 miles to work and back barefoot whilst carrying a bag of cole on my back, I got paid 2 bob a week, blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
Son: stfu dad, stop lying and get with the times.
by ppwned May 14, 2021
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A bastardization of the word 'Ask'. Can be found used by English speakers in low socio-economic or 'ghetto' areas to sound tough.
Tough guy: "yea bruv, I arks dis guy to gimme sum muney or al break his legs, innit"

Person: "You did what?"

Tough guy: "I arks'ed him"

Person: "Axed him?"

Tough guy: "ARKS'ED Im"

Person: "Assed him?"

Tough guy: "ARKS"

Person: "oooh.... ASKED"

Tough guy: "yea dats wat I sed bruv, init"

Person: "No you didn't"
by ppwned May 14, 2021
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The art of saying you're going to do something but have no intentions of doing it whatsoever.

Specifically when it involves organising something with other people.
Over Facebook..
Matt: Hey I'm coming to Melbourne on Friday for the weekend, wanna meet up?
Justin: Yeah cool, I'll move some things around and contact you closer to the time.
Matt: Awesome dude, can't wait, been looking forward to it. **giggles like a school girl**
Friday 9am
Justin: Yay its Friday, where and what time we meeting? (seen)
Justin: Hey dude, we still meeting? I got the weed you wanted (seen)
Justin: Are you in Melbs atm? Just heading out, ring me (seen)
Justin: Hello? (seen)
Matt: I'm back from Melbourne, didn't get your messages until now
Justin: Nice Swain Move PRICK
by ppwned April 29, 2021
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