1 definition by power_rager_1

Fizzy Chocolate is the act of pissing inside someone while giving anal sex. A new twist on the champagne shower.

Taken from the old wives tale of "Milk, Milk, Lemonade, 'Round the corner chocolate's made.."
Dude 1: oi bro how good were those strippers aye
Dude 2: yeah bruz she let me give her fizzy chocolate aye
Dude 1: mad cunt

Sir 1: how is you would like to be pleased this fine evening young lady?
Mistress 1: please sir, i'm begging for fizzy lemonade on such a hot night
Sir 1: i never thought you'd ask **inserts erect penis into rectum of female and begins to urinate profoudnly to achieve a sensational blend**
by power_rager_1 April 15, 2015
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