5 definitions by potatoali

Someone who is a total ass. A bitch, a compliment fisher, and thinks they are better then everything and everyone. Combination of two words: Waz (pee, piss, urine) and Ass (butt, tushy, booty).
Janine is such a wazass.
by potatoali August 12, 2017
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Unfinished basement light is used on things that don't do their job properly. The basement is dark and the light doesn't work to light it up. Also used in places where a construction worker decides to quit and handed his coworker a sock and said "the basement light is unfinished".
Lisa, you are an unfinished basement light to this project.
by potatoali August 10, 2017
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When an urban family decides to move to the countryside and start a small farm without knowledge on farming. The local farmers call this family the urban pop up.
That ol' family that just moved to McDonald's old farm is an urban pop up.
by potatoali August 10, 2017
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When a persons feet sweat so much that when they take off their shoes, it's soaked in sweat and the sock has started drooping off the foot. Term was most likely started in the locker rooms of schools.
Eww Eric, your have slimy socks.
by potatoali August 10, 2017
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The dance embarrassing dads do at barbeques. When they try to be hip and trendy but end up doing the cabbage patch.
Ugh, my dad is doing the urban pop outside.
by potatoali August 10, 2017
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