5 definitions by pose2pose

fruz·zled, fruz·zling
(frǝz-zǝl) verb. to induce the feeling of discouragement from a confusing thing, action or behavior.

Origin: A smush (portmanteau) combining the words _frustrate_ and _puzzle_.
This problem leaves me frustrated AND puzzled; I'm fruzzled!

That girl is too confusing to understand. She'll only fruzzle you.
by pose2pose February 7, 2011
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(merf) noun. acronym for Mom I'd Run From. The opposite of a MILF. A mom you definitely would not want to do.
"I don't know where she gets her good looks, her mom is a

"Your momma's so ugly she's not a MILF she's a MIRF!"
by pose2pose October 30, 2006
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(merf) noun. acronym for Mom I'd Run From. The opposite of a MILF. A mom you definitely would not want to do.
"I don't know where she gets her good looks, her mom is a

"Your momma's so ugly she's not a MILF she's a MIRF!"
by pose2pose September 17, 2006
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smush·ed, smush·ing
(smǝsh, smoosh) verb. 1. to push or shove two or more things together.

2. to combine two or more words into a new, original word.

3. to squeeze tightly.
I had to smush all my socks together to fit them in the drawer.

I was smushed between two big guys on the flight home.
by pose2pose February 7, 2011
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(smoosh) noun. 1. a word comprised of two or more other words, often used as a humorous and extreme exaggeration of the original words; a portmanteau.

2. a game played by combining two or more words to form a new word, often with a secondary goal of creating the most funny-sounding exaggeration of the original words.
Ginormous is a great smush of "gigantic" and "enormous".
by pose2pose February 7, 2011
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