1 definition by pooksiepookpook

To be a pook is to embody all things good. Once you become a pook, your days suddenly will feel brighter, your apple juice will taste sweeter and you'll finally get that promotion you've been waiting on for the last 3 months at work. For the first time in 4 years, Jessica from Starbucks will finally remember you by your first name instead of your daily order of a Venti Cold brew with two Splenda on the side. Heck- she'll actually spell your name right, too. The next thing you know, you'll spontaneously lose that dreaded 5 pounds you just haven't been able to shed without even trying. Your skin will become clearer, your smile will become brighter.

Your life- it will become wholesome.

You will become complete.

To be a pook, is to be one with the pooko.
Once you are one with the pooko, the pooko will become one with you.

Believe in the pooko.
"ever since i've become a pook, my life has just been so much better."
"you're such a pook"
"i'm a pook? no stop it, YOU'RE a pook! :flushed:"
by pooksiepookpook April 13, 2020
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