1 definition by pocodoter

What is Pocodot? Pocodot is a marketing system used to bring in flood of free targeted traffic to any website with Youtube marketing within minutes of applying this system. Pocodot uses multiple users on Youtube to “like” a person’s post about pocodot. Then, antoher person poses as a different user and asks the question of “What is pocodot?” This makes people wonder what is pocodot and searches it up on Google. This way, they are getting free traffic to google just for making a couple of posts on Youtube. You can see that a lot of the top music videos (Eminem, Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber) are full of pocodot’s user’s comments.

Pocodot itself is a social network just like Facebook. They claim to have users such as Lady Gaga or Justin Bieber. However, this is highly unlikely. They also claim to have Eminem as one of their users.
by pocodoter March 18, 2011
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