66 definitions by pete dick

The tight, clenched walk of someone who has to take a dump.
I went out for a run the other day, and a couple miles from home my intestines felt like they were going to burst. I had to do the poop shuffle the whole way home--I barely made it.
by pete dick December 28, 2007
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a tip that is included as a charge on a restaurant bill rather than left to a diner's discretion.
The Cooker: "those fuckers just took off without leaving the bartender a tip."
Pete Dick: "well, not really, they just think they did, I could see that based on their ethnicity that they were not going to leave her anything so I told her to put on an autograt."
Bartender: "you guys were right, I owe you a free pitcher."

by pete dick March 21, 2008
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sarcastic way of congradulating someone for something trivial.
TP: "I went jacking for beats and banged Coquet last night."
Pete Dick: "delightful for ya."
by pete dick March 14, 2008
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a very accomplished pizza maker who is an expert dough tosser and pizza stretcher.
The Cooker: "How come we have to always do our jacking for beats at the Kirk Hotel?"
Pete Dick: "Because I have the hots for that dough acrobat that makes the pizzas."
The Cooker: "Dude, just do me a favor and don't piss her off like usual, we need her making those pizzas with love."
by pete dick March 14, 2008
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term coined by the great Barry Switzer to describe someone who was born with a silver spoon in their mouth but has an arrogance and thinks their standing in life is because of their own doing.
The Cooker: "i hate hanging out at the Kirk Hotel with all of these arrogant, rich punks that think they are an international man of leisure."
Pete Dick (calling Oak the goon): "look dude, just focus on jacking for beats and I will take care of these fucks that were born on third base."
by pete dick March 21, 2008
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the slop that results from the drainage of draft beers at a bar into a bucket.
Pete Dick: "Dude, I wanna get drunk but I ain't got no cash."
The Cooker: "Just go down to the Kirk and drink the Pork Soda, you'll be feeling just fine."
Pete Dick: "Good Idea."
by pete dick February 17, 2008
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a somewhat childish although greatly amusing practice of excreting from great height in unusual places.
The Cooker (looking up in tree): "Dude, what the hell are you doing up in that tree with your pants down?"
Pete Dick (dropping a crap into a parked car's sunroof: "sky dumping, dumb ass"
by pete dick March 5, 2008
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