5 definitions by pauly coconuts

You need gahoonies the size of basketballs to ride that bike...
by pauly coconuts April 2, 2008
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Humans descended from apes that gradually spread from Africa via the Mediterranean and Eurasia to the Arctic circle
Bev: “It’s Baltic out there tonight, pet. Wish I owned a coat.” Janet: “Fook off - we’re Arctic monkeys.”
by pauly coconuts February 6, 2020
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The euphemisms “Rose Cottage” and “Rainbow's End” are sometimes used in British hospitals to enable discussions about death in front of patients. The name Rose Cottage was adopted so that announcements concerning the morgue can be made over the tannoy without upsetting anyone
Tannoy announcer: "Can a hospital porter please go to bed 10 on Ward B. Cyril Jarvis needs to be taken to Rose Cottage, thank you."
by pauly coconuts September 5, 2020
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Old-fashioned British term for having a chat with someone.
Example: Daphne: "I bumped into Joan the other day and I couldn't get away." Brenda: "Yes Joan does enjoy a chinwag - she could talk for England."
by pauly coconuts February 16, 2019
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