2 definitions by pating

Made popular in Norway after Slash Snakepit's song "Ain't Life Grand". Opposite of FML, and is used whenever your life rocks.
So I was drinking yesterday and was pretty hung over today... Luckily my mom brought me soda, snus and some money in bed! ALG!

I'm so ALG right now! Finally nailed this chick I've been after for months!
by pating June 2, 2010
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Pating is short for a pathetic person. The term was first used in the suburbs of Oslo and is now a widely used term. It's not quite as offensive as actually telling someone that they're a pathetic person, and is commonly used among friends when they do something stupid or short-minded. Pating may be shortened with a simple "P".
Example one:
To friends are walking down the street when suddenly one of them trips in his own laces.
Friend 1: Haha, you're such a pating!
Friend 2: Gaaaah, I know... I'm nothing more than a P...

Example 2:
You're walking down the street and suddenly see a dude with his pants stuffed in his tennis socks.

"Wow, that's a pating"
by pating April 21, 2010
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