128 definitions by pat

Having the same parents or the same grandparents on either the mother's or the father's side. Often used in combination: a cousin-german; a brother-german.
by pat October 20, 2004
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Someone who totally owns/pwns/dominates all else.
I would have to say that God = teh ub3r b0rkatron
by pat March 22, 2004
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A world-wide math technique used by the most profound business men alive. To convert your numbers into Sarverometry numbers, simply divide the number by 2 and then multiply the product by 10.5 then add two zeros on the end and there you have it. Simply put - (X/2)(10.5)+(p00)
The government says I make $2,000 a year but since I coverted to Sarverometry I now made well over a million.
by pat February 12, 2005
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A blanket responce to any question you do not wish to answer.
However, there are some cases where it will not work, which is shown in the second example.
Bloke 1, "Did you just press that big red button that says do not press?"
Bloke 2, "Half past two!"
Bloke 1, "What!? (head explodes due to confusion)"

Nagging Mother, "When are you going to get yourself a job and stop pissing your life away?"
Son, "Half past two."
by pat June 18, 2006
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one who has no eyebrows; eyebrowless; missing eyebrows
brendan corey has no brows.
by pat April 13, 2005
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one whose game (sexual) has reached a peak after a long period of inactivity
I haven't gotten any in months, but I am going to fuck the bitches like a degenerate gambler on a hot steak.
by pat February 24, 2005
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