1 definition by pao/gabe

Frerard is the term used to describe the supposed romantic relationship between My Chemical Romance members Gerard Way, vocalist; and Frank Iero, rythm guitar. This ship is not only overrated and boring, it's also shoven to the face of any MCR fan; it seems to be needed for being a true fan. Frerard shipers, or Frerardies, enjoy to ignore that both Gerard and Frank are married, to Lindsey Way (or Lyn-Z) the first and to Jamia Nestor the second, and that they both have kids, too; all in favor of their ship. The fics usually fetichize Gerard's feminity, and/or relationships between two men (or men alligned persons). People talking about Frerard to any member of the band, or to their friends/family, are also ignoring personal boundaries in favor of their ship. Despite all this, most Frerardies will attack anyone who suggests Frerard isn't real, or that it never was, or point out this extremely toxic behaviour.
The 'evidence' supporting this ship is that they kissed on-stage, as if stage gay wasn't a common occurrence, and that Frank kissed Gerard's cheek during the I'm Not Okay (I Promise) music video, as if that video didn't also include a high school student eyeing another boy with the words "If you ever felt curious" having just appeared on screen. MCR has always defied homophobic, transphobic, and sexist looks at their work. I could write more but there's no space

tl;dr: don't do this to yourself, please.
frerard fangirl rawr_05: OMG, Frerard are so cute!!!!! it is so so real!!!! they are totally in love, fuck lynz and jamia, they're bitches!!
other fans that somehow managed to stay apart of the absolute trainwreck Frerard is: Please stop I'm begging you

me, an intelectual: the bible said adam and eve not fre and rard
by pao/gabe June 10, 2020
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