7 definitions by page

my favorite author in the entire world -- not one of his books will fail to make you laugh, and the funniest of the lot is "Me Talk Pretty One Day"

if you haven't read his stuff, you have to.

Other works include:
barrel fever
holidays on ice
dress your family is corduroy and denim
"i read 'Me Talk Pretty One Day' yesterday!"
"Oh, was it good?"
"I almost wet myself"
by page May 28, 2005
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Actually spelled "LED ZEPPELIN", but that's not a big deal. what is a big deal is the fuckhole that wrote this:

If you don't know who they are...well you should follow a BLACK DOG up THE STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN only to be DAZED AND CONFUSED because you will never know THE SECRET OF EVERMORE

the song is actually called BATTLE OF EVERMORE
it's based on the lord of the rings series by tolkien, as a couple of LED ZEPPELIN'S songs are.

this guy is obviously a retard and should not be taken seriously.
joel: ac/dc is better than led zeppelin!
page:*punches him*
by page May 31, 2005
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running really fast
probably comes from setting a record, or putting it in the books
Man, stop booking!
by page April 5, 2003
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Twin babies born into the life of the streets are referred to as "urchtwins". These urchin bretherin never seperate from eachother; they are together for life.
the most loyal of all mammals, the urchtwins knife yuppies and/or hookers that endanger the other half of their unit.

urchtwins are also the most lucky of all street people, for they are the only ones known to have kin.
-young female urchtwin is trapped in parking garage by drunken horny yuppie who is about to rape her-

Yuppie: i'll get away with this too, you lousy bums don't have family!
Urchtwin: *knifes yuppie* jackass.
by page June 7, 2005
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Used to replace negro please, which in-turn replaces nigga please.
LaFonda: you trifflin' ho!
white girl: ninja, please!
LaFonda: *confused, but can't get angry because no apparent racial comment was made*
by page May 31, 2005
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A street person or person of the street. These people usually dwell in cars that aren't theirs, warehouses, squatting holes, gutters, garbage cans, boxes, parks, opium dens, public bathrooms (bus/train station, airport), bushes, soup kitchen's, etc.
They can often be seen swimming in yuppie's pools in the daytime while the sell-outs are at work and carrying a bottle shaped brown paper bag.
Yuppie: get out of my way you bum!
Urchin: *pulls out urchin/hobo knife* I'm no bum, i'm an urchin! *stabs yuppie and steal his wallet for booze*
Urchin: *whistles tune* I love to live the urchin life, stabbin people with my urchin knife
by page June 7, 2005
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if you see a page, run. they are rare in the wild and if they are called paige theyre normal but if theyre called page youre fucked. they are scared to speak and go to tears over stuff you wouldnt notice. they have massive self esteem issues and are annoying. just pray u never have to meet a page
'page is so annoying, but dont tell her because shell get really upset if you do.'
by page October 11, 2019
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