1 definition by p0l4r1ze

The most unholy fic ever about Dan and Phil. the fic is about Dan and Phil buying a hamster then literally a day later Phil is all fucking tied up or something and Dan decides to literally drowns the hamster in his own cum until it dies and Phils all fucking traumatized then afterwards he FUCKING rips the hamsters head off and forces Phil to drink the mixture of the poor hamsters blood and Dans cum and just a lotta fucked up demon shit happens and at the end Dan literally fucking eats the hamster and they apparently do that every month 😍
Girl 1: Omg! I just read The Hat Fic? It is so fucked up!

Boy 2: Yeah I have, now I can never look at hamsters or hats the same again.
by p0l4r1ze March 17, 2022
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