90 definitions by oz

Debree found within the vagina. Usually black in color. Quite rare but you'll notice it if you run into it.
We were having such good sex, then all of a sudden i noticed there was some puss debree on my dick!
by oz January 4, 2005
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Piece of crap computer company. Don't buy from them unless you want to have to call in and talk to hindu people who speak english but don't understand it.
Bob to Joe - "Hey joe, i bought a gateway today"
Joe to Bob - "cool, how is it?"
Bob to Joe - "oh it works pretty good except for the fact that it broke."
Joe to Bob - "Yea you should have gotten a dell"
by oz January 1, 2005
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A defect usually. Disabilities disable someone from doing everything a person without disabilities can do. They range from Paralyzation, Down Syndrome, Autism, ADD, and many, many more. Not all disabilities are birth defects, one can be injured in an event and be disabled from then on or until cured.
Ted: Man, this damn truck hit me and now I can't walk for a while.
Bob: Well I can't ever walk, so fuck you.
by oz January 30, 2005
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A nerd who plays online games and acts tough. If you piss him off he will probably say he could take you in real life and ask for your address incase he wins the lottery in which case he'll have to make room for alot of ass beatings.
Bill: shut the fuck up nerd boy
by oz March 12, 2005
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When all other words fail or no other words will work, just yell ahhhh and you will be saved.
Billy: (kiss's John)
John: ....AHHHH
by oz March 23, 2005
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1. Just bull shitting around with words and saying crap you dont really mean.

2. Insulting someone.
1. Jeff: Man ima marry queen elizabeth, she's a milf!
Ted: Quit talkin shit man.

2. Jeff: Ted you suck so much that David Oreck is having a tough time outmatching you!
Ted: Fuck you bitch.
by oz February 28, 2005
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Hangover or other ill physical and psychological after effects as a result of a drug leaving your system and your body craving more. Specifically , this term refers to amphetamines, though it's often used to refer to other drugs as well.
The crash from the speed was so bad I couldn't move from the corner I was crying in for 3 hours, until I found my fifth of jim beam.
by oz July 9, 2003
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