1 definition by ovrkll

A target for mac users to trash. Actually, it is a very powerful OS that is supported by any developers. It only crashes when an inexperienced user makes it crash, and is perfectly secure when a decent antivirus program is installed. Mac users blame it for copying Mac's GUI, when really Mac copied the idea of a GUI from Xerox. The only problem with Vista is the addition of User Account Control, which can be disabled easily. Overall, it's a great operating system that is user friendly as well as configurable.
Windows Vista User: Wanna play some Halo 2?
Mac User: No, I use a Mac. Vista is too bloated for my tastes.
Vista User: I have a half-decent system, so the requirements are no problem.
Mac User: That must have cost a fortune!
Vista User: Not at all. It definitely costs less than your Mac.
Mac: Well, your PC probably can't edit photos and videos, just like the new version of Mac OS X can.
Vista User: If I wanted to, I could have been doing those things for years.
Mac User: Fine, if you say so. I'm going to create photo masterpieces with Photobooth and share them on Facebook.
Vista User: So you're going to make heart shapes with your hands and take sepia pictures of yourself then add some kind of fagetty quote? Just give up.
by ovrkll August 12, 2009
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