3 definitions by orange274

Nadine is one of the most intellectually inclined girls out there. She is usually quite introverted, but once you get to know her she's so loud and funny. She uses her intelligence to her advantage by helping others. She has the most alluring and beautiful eyes. A gaze that could melt your heart. One of the prettiest girls, but people don't really see it till you take a good look at her. She shines around people who make her laugh, she has a contagious smile and laugh that captivates everyone.
Chad: Wow, I've never noticed how funny and loud that girl is.
Tyrone: Yeah, that's a Nadine.
by orange274 March 27, 2022
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A very observant girl. She is extremely smart, especially when it comes to school and street skills. She notices things that other people would overlook. And she knows exactly what is going on with other people and knows what's inside their heads. She is very kind and always happy to offer a helping hand. She sees the best in people when other people don't and has an amazing sense of humor. She's great at figuring things out and has the prettiest eyes. She has an extremely powerful stare, that contrasts with her bright smile. She is very connected to nature and often finds peace in the outdoors.
Nadine climbed up to the highest tree and inhaled the breeze.
by orange274 March 27, 2022
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Seems shy and unnoticeable, almost invisible at first. But once you befriend her she explodes with happiness and laughter. She is someone with a pointy nose who is fueled by sarcasm. She radiates this impossible weirdness that makes you die of laughter. She always brings a smile to your face.
Rick: Who is that?
Penelope: That's an Alina, like a sarcastic goose on a sugar high
by orange274 March 27, 2022
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