3 definitions by oneofmanyslapbattlesfan

tfcvybuhnimop is the classic keyboard swipe. Wait. how did you find this? I put in random letters and you found this? Unbelievable.
by oneofmanyslapbattlesfan September 10, 2023
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"The FitnessGram™ Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues.
The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start.
The running speed starts slowly, but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal.
A single lap should be completed each time you hear this sound.
Remember to run in a straight line, and run as long as possible.
The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over.
The test will begin on the word start.
On your mark, get ready, start."

The intro theme of the FitnessGram PACER test.
by oneofmanyslapbattlesfan September 10, 2023
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Rob: The Returner Of Brightness, the opposer of Bob, and the opposite of bob from Slap Battles, a game made by tencelll.

Rob was created in the islands of Slap Royale by a group of scientists called "The Opposition" to try and stop bob from causing havoc by using a sample of him they found from a place he destroyed. It took several months for them to create the entity before it's appearance was revealed. The entity was the opposite of bob, having a different eye and body color, and being kind, caring, and docile. With this description, The Opposition decided to name the entity "rob", standing for "Returner of Brightness," that The Opposition hoped would bring down bob's reign of terror. rob started to grow and become stronger, but The Opposition kept him in his chamber and waited for him to evolve to his true form. One day The Opposition visited rob's chamber. But the glass was shattered, signifying that rob had escaped. No one knew where rob had gone, and had not left a single trace. The Opposition were losing their minds because of the time they spent creating rob for years was now gone, and could be anywhere in the world. It is unknown what happened after.
In a nutshell, Rob is bob but you don't spawn rob, rob spawns you.
Glove stand name: ŗ ̓̊̀̍͝͝ȏ̵̧̖̥̜̟̾͝b̵͈̖̔̓̿̕
by oneofmanyslapbattlesfan September 10, 2023
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