3 definitions by omally

When you're too drunk for phone sex.
"Oh I like when you bite my neck, I'm going to take your bra off...ugh, drunk so many clasps, screw it, I'll try for pants, why is the button so tricky, eh, fuck it, let's just do some phone cuddling"
by omally April 26, 2015
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Like 2 peas in a pod: So similar to be indistinguishable or nearly so.


If you and a friend fell 5 seconds apart; the first hitting the skin of the banana and the second hitting the fruit.
"Hey Kerri, would you like..."
"Some tacos!"
"Yeah! Well aren't we just two butts in a banana"
by omally June 28, 2018
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Inadvertently getting fucked over by someone you made plans with, who has no malicious intent.
Hey didn't you have plans with with Harrison today?

Yeah, but he canceled for a smash tournament.

Ha! You just got Harrisoned.
by omally September 19, 2016
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