5 definitions by oh hell yeaaaaah

A pillow that was ripped apart.
Tommy? Why is my my pillow ripped up?
by oh hell yeaaaaah July 17, 2021
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A stupid idiot who drinks out of a plastic McDonald’s cup.
Who’s capplething??

uhhh this guy who barely makes content and calls himself “awesome”

Pfft that’s some bullshit.

by oh hell yeaaaaah July 17, 2021
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a stupid idiot who drinks out of a plastic cup from McDonald’s.
Who’s capplething?

This guy who Is scared to ride a small children’s water slide and calls himself “amazing”.

What an idiot lollll

by oh hell yeaaaaah July 17, 2021
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who’s capplething??

uhh this guy who barely makes content and calls himself amazing
by oh hell yeaaaaah July 17, 2021
Get the capplething mug.