79 definitions by od smith

Former frontman for The Dead Kennedys, before the band split due to being persecuted by Tipper Gore for including the Giger artwork "Penis Landscape" with their Frankenchrist album (although you can still send off the coupon included to own it if you want to).

Since then has gone on to be a well reknowned spoken word artist/activist with several CDs to his name (Become the Media, Machine Gun in the Clown's Hand etc.) and even a Presidential candidate for the Green party. However, the rest of his former band are intent on suing him for not selling out and using classic DK standard Holiday in Cambodia in a Levis commercial.

Also worked with Ministry in the Lard side project, and has featured on tracks for bands as diverse as Pitchshifter, Sepultura and The Presidents of the USA, with a few acting credits as well.
Let's face it - no matter what he does, he'll always be remembered for being the bloke that sang Too Drunk to Fuck...
by od smith August 18, 2005
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More proof, if needed, that Ross Robinson was born to manage boy bands, as opposed to something remotely alternative.

Just because they're nine blokes in masks and boiler suits doesn't mean they're better than four guys without, especially if you actually listen to their frankly dreadful lyrics (examples: "Fuck it all, fuck this world, fuck everything that you stand for" and "People = Shit" repeated six or seven times).

In other words, rather than use real emotion behind their music, they just hide behind a facade of fake anger where shouting "fuck" a lot apparently means something, especially in the exact same seethe/shout/roar song structure they use time and again. No wonder the main part of their fanbase is 14 years old...
(When trying to enter an over 18's rock club) "Is that a Slipknot t-shirt you're wearing? Right, show me your ID." The kid gets sent home soon after.
by od smith March 8, 2005
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Where all the heart, soul and any level of intellectualism is gutted from the genre for poseur bands with their fake emotion, all neatly packaged in a three minute MTV video that does absolutly nothing except patronise fans of genuine metal. Usually comes added with a crossover at some point with an overrated rapper that appears on everyone's albums - apart from other rappers, who despise them for being commercialised crap with no worth whatsoever.
Linkin Park - with or whithout Jay-Z.
by od smith March 10, 2005
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A pretty good book, a pretty average film, and some pretty bad sequels.

Welcome to Hollywood, ladies and gentlemen...
"Wait a minute, why did Crichton's follow up book, The Lost World, seem to change what happened to most of the characters to fit in with the events of the first film?"
by od smith April 12, 2005
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Somebody who is straight edge, and follows all that goes with it.
"I am drug free, I am alcohol free, and I am better than you!" (CM Punk)
by od smith March 21, 2005
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1. A place where embittered and unhelpful wastes of time work, telling you how to get a shitty job and deny you the opportunity to work where you want. This ignores the fact that they were on a course there and had no chance of getting a job themselves, so decided to work there and generally take out their frustrations on the poor sods stuck there.

2. Home of most New Deal courses, unemployable chavs and bigots, and an overhanging sense of despair.
"For the next six months you will be placed at the nearest CETS Centre and patronised until you can't be fucked to play along, while surrounded by ignorance on a scale not seen since the last BNP conference." (paraphrased, of course)
by od smith March 15, 2005
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Somebody asking to have their mobile wrenched from their grasp so it can be flung into a deep fat frier.
"I hear the world's most irritating ringtone, and must destroy something immediatly. Preferably the phone it's emanating from. Maybe the owner as well."
by od smith April 19, 2005
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