3 definitions by nunuhya

The last piece of bread in the loaf that is either unpaired, or in the case of end slices, too small to make a sandwich with. Best eaten with a slather of honey, jam, etc.
The good thing about odd-number sliced loaves is that I'll always have a honey slice to snack on.
by nunuhya July 16, 2021
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The ejaculate spewed from the mouths of anyone who tries to justify inexcusable actions
Ralph Reed: “Republicans have decided that even if one believes he made mistakes after the November election and on Jan. 6, the policies Trump championed and victories he won from judges to regulatory rollback to life to tax cuts were too great to allow the party to leave him on the battlefield.”

Sane American: "Did you read that apolojizm that Ralph Reed shot from his mouth hole?"
by nunuhya January 27, 2021
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When a person, often intentionally, uses a complaint about their wealth or good fortune as a thinly veiled opportunity to boast about it. Related to humble brag, backhanded compliment
"I can't believe my father-in-law left his brand new luxury car to us when he died. It's such a hassle dealing with all of the paperwork."

"Please. Stop. I can't stand how your grumble brag is pulling at my heartstrings."
by nunuhya April 5, 2023
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