1 definition by nootmedoingthis

Amer is male name with arab origins. The name means trustworthy, brave, a life, a period of life, and person with this name can be described as a brave man, the one who decides something and makes it happen, always ready for action, the kind of man who makes your heart melt,
super kind and sweet. His personality lights up a room, and even though everyone wants to hang out with him, he chooses his inner circle wisely. He is type of person that will do anything to put smile on your face and will never betray your trust, which describes his name perfectly, just what this name completely means.
Hard-working, smart, loyal, cute, intelligent and the best person you could meet. Every second with him would be like you are on cloud 9.
Amer is a type of person you need in your life, to feel safe and loved.
Amer is the best arab name, it describes someones personality perfectly.
by nootmedoingthis July 5, 2020
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