3 definitions by mylilbitchboy

Person 1. "I really want to go from LA to NY in a day but planes produce too much co2 too be viable"
Person 2. "Sounds like you need a High Speed Railway there fast and run on electricity which can be produced by solar power and such"

Example 2

"Man we really need a High Speed Railway all across our country"
by mylilbitchboy October 5, 2020
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It's that six sided shape bitch.
Person1. "Hey I just saw a shape with six sides"

Person2. "That's a Hexagon, call it what it is, we learned this in kindergarten"
by mylilbitchboy October 5, 2020
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When someone discovers or invents something amazing usually used in a cheeky, slightly derogatory way with a small twinge of jealousy
So you've just invented time travel. Well done you Clever Little Suasage
by mylilbitchboy October 5, 2020
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