6 definitions by mofuka

When a lady friend is sucking a man's penis and u end her life by choking her with your penis.You then finish her off by busting in her throught making her last breaths horrible for her, leaving her doomed to walk through the afterlife with semen in her mouth and throat.
by mofuka January 19, 2005
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One of the happiest times in many of the lives of men. Its is when a man uses a womans mouth as a pleasure hole. The woman sucks the penis until it is drained of semen and then hopefully swallowed.
"Please tell me you at least got sum M-time!"

"May you please give me some quick
M-time, im cold."

"Normally I'm all in for M-time, but this is just one of those rare instances where one must say 'naw man'"
by mofuka January 7, 2005
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A slang term used by a group of teenagers, representing the process of intercourse. The "P" representing "pussy" another slang term for the vagina. P-time simply means the act of a man(or in odd situations a woman whom happens to have a penis) placing their penis in the vagina, for the age old act of sexual intercourse.
"May i interest you in P-time?"

"I would very much enjoy some P-time right now"

"Yo man....did you?....P-time???"
by mofuka January 7, 2005
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The process in which a man and a woman engage in the act of intercourse only in this case, the penis is inserted into the anus hole, causing more pleasure for the male and at first a slight discomfort for the woman if no lubricant is used.
"Yo, A-time?"

"Yo I A-timed that bitchnania"

"Hello it's nice to meet you, you in for some A-time later?"
by mofuka January 5, 2005
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A slang term for the penis originating from an asian tale ,which dates back to a time of dragons, and samurais which would run around chopping peoples heads off for no reason. The penis is given this name beacuase it is as if it has an eye but closed, or even blinded like the old man in the ancient asian tale....a tale about a blind old asian man....named bob..........
"Her gaping vagina was no match for old blind bob"

"He may be blind but, even the blind are able to do great things....if u catch my drift.....the drift about us engaging in some A-time"
by mofuka January 7, 2005
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The process of woman stroking a mans penis, causing pleasure. But, on those cold lonely nights one has no other choice but to give himself some H-time, H obviously standing for hand.

See other "times"
"....nah all it was, was a little H-time"

"Yo, she didn't know how to handle the H-time so i had to instruct her"

"Yo it was shat, I was so unsatisfied with her preformance i smacked her in the face then H-timed it in her face"
by mofuka January 7, 2005
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