12 definitions by miggelzworth

When you have to take a shit so bad that the tip of the terd slowly makes it's way out of your anus and quickly goes back inside. (The same way a dog's penis moves when it becomes erect).
Damn yo, I hada take a shit so bad I had a bad case of dog dick.
by miggelzworth October 21, 2010
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When you take a hot shit and even though it's your own work it makes you want to choke.
Man, I had a Newborn Hatian this morning. It stunk so bad I almost threw up!
by miggelzworth October 15, 2010
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When you have to take a shit and all that comes out is a loud fart and a spray of shit. (Just compare to the Hershey syrup bottle when it's on it's last squirt).
Bro I had the hershey squirts today, as soon as I sat on the toilet, it started squirtin' out.
by miggelzworth October 25, 2010
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When someone has yellow teeth.
Yo did you see Nelson's teeth? He's got some set of banana peppas in his mouth!
by miggelzworth October 4, 2010
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Referring to someone's anus.
That dude is gay, his Hershey Highway has constant traffic in it.
by miggelzworth October 25, 2010
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