17 definitions by metastatic

A technology paradigm in which reverse-extract-transfer-loading python into an ETL pull creates enough data to leap over machine learning and employ deep learning.

The last algorithm.
Deep-learning requires too much data to be useful practically; hence the pervasiveness of machine learning.

Spreading a Python command over a reverse-ETL pull creates enough data to facilitate the jump to deep-learning.

This is the principle behind reverse-OPS.
by metastatic February 27, 2022
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A non-Tarski space (convex vertices within the surface-interior of a sphere) that is propounded to solve all quintic and higher-level polynomials.

Arises from Abelian conjecture...which states that no algebraic solutions to polynomials at the 5th order and higher are possible.
The quintic integral fulfills the conditions of pan-integralism which state that the solution to a fifth-order equation can only come in the form of an Abelian surface-area specifically a non-Tarski space in the shape of a Pentagon...
by metastatic February 27, 2022
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Paradigm that elements of feeling (figmas) have a bijective relationship with elements of thought (psychometers) in a closed-system.

The idea that the immune system subjects discrete lines-of-thought to a bending force between supersymmetry and perception-resolution.
In generative materialism your thoughts share a 1-to-1 relationship with elements of your immune system--figmas--such that your immune system bends your elements of thought before they reach perception-resolution (object-grammetry).

Thus; you are meeting elements of your immune system in a drug-induced hallucination.
by metastatic November 22, 2021
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Since Vishnu is not only the origin of the idea of law but the source of PLURAL laws: meta-Hinduism argues that the act of prosecuting science denialism would freeze the Kant's categorical imperative.
The categorical imperative is a powerful misunderstood idea from Kant. It schematizes the mechanism by which an individual has the right to act on the grounds of morality.

Meta-Hinduism argues that the individual is biased; and Vishnu has the ability to rebut Kant's action...
by metastatic February 27, 2022
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The idea that the number of objects in a universe is only countable by the surface area of the materialist-frequentist line.

Paradigm of a surface area as a counter of the objects in a system-in-totum.
The materialist frequentist line is the only discrete line-with-no-surface-area.

Godelism proffers that countable objects are tautological to countable systems. In other words a countable object must first be a countable SYSTEM.

Godelism gives rise to material frequentism--which states that the sum of the surface-exteriors of all countable objects anneal to a discrete line with no surface area.
by metastatic February 27, 2022
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Paradigm that purports to explain why music touches the human soul.

Psychofrequentism postulates that uncountable timpanic semplices of music have a one-to-one relationship with the infinite interior-perimeters of the non-Tarski space (mind).
Psychofrequentism says that music travels through the straight-arc of history (superformalism) to the non-Tarski space (interior-perimeter) of the human mind.
by metastatic November 13, 2021
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A hypothesis that each 'kind' of animal as described in Noah's Ark's story and the creation story is a metaphor for a language-class; for instance nouns, verbs, adverbs, pronouns, and adjectives.
In trans nominalism (transnominalism) the creation story is a parable for the creation of language.

In other words, the "animals" are figures of speech for 'figures of speech.'
by metastatic December 16, 2021
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